Personal Best Massage/PBM
Feel Your Personal Best; Feel Perfectly Balanced

Covid-19 response

Covid-19 response

The health and safety of my clients is my primary concern as I strive to provide you with a professional, relaxing experience. With the low numbers of people currently testing positive or experiencing serious illness from Covid-19 and increased rate of those being vaccinated, and in accordance with current CDC and Iowa Dept. of Health guidance,  I am updating my office procedures as follows:

  • Clients no longer must sign a waiver specifically related to Covid-19.
  • Therapist will wear a KN95 mask during the massage at the request of the client.

Here is what I am doing to keep you safe:

  • Office will continue to be cleaned regularly with special attention to high-contact areas daily (door knobs, light switches, sinks, etc).
  • An air purifier will continue to be used during times of higher infection rates (influenza, colds, etc).
  • Extra time between clients will provide for disinfection and proper air exchange for immunocompromised clients.
  • EPA approved disinfectants will continue to be used.
  • Therapist will continue to use proper hand/arm hygiene.
  • Therapist will continue to monitor her health.
  • Therapist will monitor regional situation and keep updated on current best practices.
Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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